Melissa Alampresse, LAC

My name is Melissa Alamapresse

I am a Licensed Associate Counselor in the State of Arizona. I am passionate about  creating a non-judgmental safe space and working together to ease current stressors and heal trauma. The  therapeutic relationship is of the utmost importance to me, and I strive to provide  unconditional positive regard and an empathic ear for any and all thoughts and feelings.  

My voyage into the realm of mental health began with at-risk youth, where I specialized in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Since then, I have found immense fulfillment broadening my experience to working  alongside adolescents, adults, and couples.  I'm a strong believer in holistic healing, intertwining evidence-based  trauma therapies with insights from the realm of neuroscience. My focal areas include  trauma, PTSD, and complex-PTSD, often intricately intertwined with manifestations  such as depression, anxiety, and ceaseless negative ruminations. In shaping my  therapeutic approach, I integrate methodologies such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy  (DBT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Narrative modalities, while embarking on a  journey of training in Somatic Experiencing to deepen my skills further.  

Currently I am working with adults, adolescents aged 14+, and couples.

I offer a free 15-minute  consultation phone call.

I offer in office sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, with  telehealth availability on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 

Specialties: DBT, Trauma Work, Internal Family Systems, Somatic work, Adolescents, Couple's Therapy


Request a 15-Minute Consultation